Swords and The Story

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)

Each time I engage with the Bible I am amazed at the truth in this verse. Many followers of Jesus see reading the bible as a chore, a duty, a part of the law. But that is one of the greatest lies and tragedies we have accepted as people who follow God… people who do are in deep relationship and not bound to a system or a law… people bound to a person, and given a new nature.

“But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day,” says the Lord. “I will put my instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. Jeremiah 31:33 (NLT)

Part of the new covenant means that we will have God’s instructions written on our hearts – I believe this is through the Holy Spirit. But this does not negate the need to consume God’s word – the bible. In fact it should draw us deeper as our eyes and ears and minds and hearts connect with the words of the very Holy Spirit within us.

In order to have a greater desire to read God’s word you simply read it… and as you read it you will eventually want more as your flesh and temptation get put aside… and eventually you will have a hunger and thirst for more. That is why as a church family we are entering into “The Story” and having the “Gracelife Conference.” Both the year long journey through the upper story of the bible and the focus on having a proper understanding of the gospel and grace will be foundational to us being people who are alive, vibrant, and excited about following Jesus. I have great hopes for our church family and community this ministry season – how our faith will be deepened, that many people will be set free and others begin to follow Jesus. Pray for God to move, get involved as much as you can, and spend time breathing and touching God each day by engaging with His word – it will change your life!!!