O Come O Come Emmanuel

O COMEI’ve preached it, I’ve read it, I’ve heard it… the call to Christmas. It generally goes something like this – don’t miss out on the deeper things of Christmas through the Christmas story… don’t forget to prepare your heart to experience the Christmas season… don’t let Christmas pass you by without taking time to focus on Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas. These are all true things, and often true of us in our culture that we do miss the deeper things, we don’t prepare our hearts, and that our focus can often be anywhere but on our Saviour born in a humble manger.

So what do any of those things mean? It’s important to call us to, but I’ve often wondered myself how I go about doing any of those things. So as we head into advent here are 3 practical ways that you and your family can prepare for and more deeply engage with the Christmas Story of hope, joy, and salvation for all through Christ’s birth.

1. Read It!
Read through the Christmas story for yourself. It’s found in 2 gospels, and there are multiple verses of prophecy in the Old Testament… so there’s lots to rediscover. Consider spreading it out so you focus on the details, or read the whole account in one gospel at a time to get the big picture. Don’t just read to gain information, but read with a desire for God to change your heart, and help you apply what you are reading.
Here’s where it is found in the New Testament Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2,

2. Watch It
There are so many great movies that depict the Christmas story, direct our thoughts to Jesus at Christmas time, or just simply have a good moral theme about Christmas that can help visual learners engage. No matter what you choose, consider taking time after you watch it to ask a few questions with a focus on both a fresh understanding and application. It’s a great way to connect with the Christmas story in a modern way and focus our lives, hearts, thoughts, and homes on Jesus.

3. Experience It
As a family we have gotten into the habit of lighting advent candles once each week, and then several times throughout the week we do simple family Advent readings or devotions. This doesn’t need to be complicated, so do what suits your household. I tend to prefer something that has us read part of the Christmas story, has a thought or story about the narrative, some short questions to engage with the story, and a written prayer to help kids have an easy way to learn to pray about what we’ve just experienced. Consider asking God to direct you as you search online, in our church library, or in a bookstore for something that might work for your home.

As you take action to spend time reading, watching, and experiencing the Christmas story may it come to life in your heart and home. May it move from story, to narrative, to reality, to something you can live and proclaim. And may the end result be a greater love for God and others. May you have a wonderful Christmas season immersed in the truth and wonder of Jesus’ birth.