Mid winter can be a pretty down time for many people – even for those who don’t suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Often the temperature is cold so we tend to stay in more, and the sky is grey so we don’t see the sun as much. Jesus taught a parable about difficult seasons of life and while we can’t change the weather, we can change our focus.
47 I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. 48 It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built. 49 But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house right on the ground, without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it will collapse into a heap of ruins.” Luke 6:47–49 (NLT)
Foundations are important, foundations are necessary, and foundations are ignored. When is the last time you checked the foundation of your house/building? The foundation determines the state of the building, and the foundation of your life determines it’s course. When loneliness or gloom sets in there’s lots of advise out there for you to get fit, get out, or get away. Though it’s not bad advice, it is limited to externals and opportunity. What if instead of looking for something external to help, you look to the one on whom you can place your life and your dependence… the one who literally gives joy, contentment, and peace as a result of having a “house that stands firm?” When we listen to Jesus’ teaching and follow Him, He does things in our heart and spirit that externals can’t.
So yes, you should exercise and get out with others, it will help. But before you make plans, take some time to consider your foundation. What has Jesus done for you, what is He doing now? What can you be thankful for, and what is Jesus speaking to you. Build your life on Jesus in practical ways (your thoughts and feelings) and speak to Him often and you’ll experience a very different Mid-winter in Canada.