His Will

Prov 3 6Proverbs 3:6 (NLT) 6 Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

What is God’s will? Well it’s many things, and it is the most important thing to know.

If we see God’s will as a specific course of events that must happen a certain way we misunderstand the greatness of God. That would belittle His will to something I have power over – that if I choose the wrong thing I would mess up His will for everyone else… like if I chose the wrong wife (I didn’t) and Stephanie was meant for someone else then being “in the centre of God’s will” wouldn’t be possible for anyone. So His will is not simply a fixed plan I can interfere with.

If we see God’s will as simply marching orders where I have no choice then I limit how God has created me. I am created in His image with choice and knowledge. I choose to love – or it’s not love, I choose to obey – or it’s not truly obedience. So His will is not simply something He plans without considering how He’s created me and all my circumstances.

I read the following this week “Do not speak of God’s will as though it is a blanket covering everything that happens to us. God’s will has many facets.”

God’s will is both a mystery and something to be known. Kind of like finding your way through thick fog with a lantern. You can never see fully what’s ahead, but you can see enough that you can stay on the right path… but you must choose to walk it based on what the light reveals and on what you know.

Seek God’s will this year and He will show you the path to take. He may not show it in the way you want, or in the time you pick, but He’ll show it. It may or may not be the direction you would pick, or have the outcome you first envisioned – but the choice to walk the path is still yours. His way is always best – it is above ours, and His plan is always greatest – because He loves us and has our blessing in mind.

May you seek out and know God’s will in each path you take in 2015.