Good Grace – Living for Christ

The term “Living for Jesus’ or “Living for Christ” is a common one for followers of Jesus. But what does that really mean? In a letter to the Philippians the apostle Paul takes a complex concept and speaks personally about what it means for him, and as he does he makes living for Jesus incredibly simple to understand – it’s the simple secret that makes the difference between joy & purpose & abundant life and cold & dutiful religiosity.

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Discussion Questions

  1. John Piper summarized this passage as “Christ is most magnified in us when we are more satisfied in Him than in what we lose in death or what we have gained in life!” What does being satisfied in Christ mean?
  2. How have you found Christ better than other things that compete for our attention and offer satisfaction?
  3. How does that motivate you towards boldness rather than being ashamed of Jesus (Phil. 1:20)?
  4. What do we do to show we’re ashamed of Jesus? What do we do to show boldness for Christ?
  5. Read Phil 1:22 What is the result of a life that is focused on Jesus first? What might that look like for you?
  6. Read Matthew 13:44-46 How would you describe the Kingdom of Heaven as being a treasure worth pursuing above anything else?

Sermon Audio