Good Grace

Grace is what sets the gospel apart from religion. Paul had lived a religious life well, or so he thought, until he met Jesus. The grace of Jesus transformed Paul in a way the law never could. In this series we will learn some of the most important lessons from the life of Paul and his letters so we can know how to live in God’s GOOD GRACE!

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Good Grace – All Good Grace

Often in suffering people try to comfort one another by misquoting and misusing one of the most well-known verses in the whole New Testament. Romans 8:28 doesn’t say that everything is good or that everything is a part of God’s...

Good Grace – Shared Grace

Is grace just something between me and God? Far from it! In fact our relationship to Jesus is connected to our relationship with others. As we receive God’s grace – His love and power to save us and empower us...

Good Grace – Living for Christ

The term “Living for Jesus’ or “Living for Christ” is a common one for followers of Jesus. But what does that really mean? In a letter to the Philippians the apostle Paul takes a complex concept and speaks personally about...

Good Grace – Camp Sunday

This week is our virtual camping weekend. In order to camp successfully you need the right tools, and it’s the same way in life. God didn’t leave us without tools to use when we are feeling afraid, timid, or cowardly....

Good Grace – Enough Grace

Is God’s grace enough? During an uncertain time why doesn’t God just rid the world of Coronavirus, or take away our struggles, sickness, and trouble? As we look again at the life of Paul we’ll discover that he dealt with...

Good Grace – Good Grace

Is there a difference between Good Grace and Cheap Grace? There was to Paul, who wrote of the New Testament. As we take a further look at the life of Paul and the lessons He learned about New Life in...

Good Grace – New Grace

Grace is a loaded word that we often misunderstand. What is grace and why is it so central to our faith? What difference can God’s grace make in our live. This week we begin a series on the life of...