Lift Up Your Eyes

danhellerwideSummer is quickly approaching, and with it for our family comes times at church camp, outdoor activities, and family camping trips. We don’t climb mountains, do extreme camping, or hike for hours on end though… just in case you got the impression we were super athletic or outdoorsy. We do enjoy spending time at the beach, having camp fires, and outdoor movie nights.

One thing I tend to do when I’m outside is to get alone and marvel at God’s works. A sunset, a misty lake on a cool morning, the expanse of stars above me, or wondering at how an animal does its thing. These things make me feel small, and they make me feel grateful, and they help me see how wonderful and awesome God is.

As expansive and amazing the world around me is, global tragedies remind me how fleeting this physical world is. God invites Isaiah to ponder this same things, but also to consider something that is eternal.

Isaiah 51:6 (ESV)
Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look at the earth beneath; for the heavens vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment, and they who dwell in it will die in like manner;  but my salvation will be forever, and my righteousness will never be dismayed.

God’s salvation, His righteousness, His love for us will never fade. As you make your plans for summer may you plan time to lift your eyes to the heavens, or look at the world around you and be reminded of God’s love, His freedom from sin, His and release to full life. These are only possible because God’s salvation is eternal and nothing can quench His righteousness or his endless pursuit of His finite creation – us.