Slow Down

quick_to_listen_wide_tI was taking part in an online forum a couple of years ago with several other Youth Pastors. I tend to think a mile a minute so following a lives chat session with 8-10 others was fun. I was commenting on many threads of thought around the discussion topic, often posing new questions as they came to my mind and forum continued to wind its way in and around several ideas concerning the main topic. The newest comments popped up instantly at the bottom of the page and that’s where I noticed my name pop up in a very short message from a very good friend – viewable to everyone.

“Jeremy – slow down :)”

Well I stopped thinking… processing… looking ahead… and just stared at the words. I wanted to defend myself, explain that it’s the way I process, and state that online forums are to meant to be quick and open. But I knew who it was from, I knew he meant it for my good and the good of the group… and most of all I knew he was right. So I did! I gave more people a chance to type, I chewed on concepts before speaking, and appreciated that time much more.

James 1:19 (NLT)
19 Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

The other day while I was shovelling later in the evening I had this sense of thankfulness to have the opportunity to shovel. I was tired and I hate shovelling. Did I mention I hate shovelling? But God was whispering to me that this was His gift to me – a gift of time to slow down. When the snow first comes we slow our walking outside, we drive slower, everything takes more time and there are parts of our day where the pace slows. May I take those words from others or reminders from God as gifts. That I might allow the Holy Spirit to slow me down and work in me so that when I’m done slowly shovelling- driving – walking I will be quick at listening, and slow to speak/type, and slow to react in anger and frustration. Patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work in my life and a mark of spiritual maturing. May we (I) grow in our patience and ability to slow down during this Christmas Season.