Jesus Plus Nothing

Jesus Plus Nothing
I have a confession to make… I like rules and systems and order. I can’t work well in an office that is a mess, and I don’t like to help out in a kitchen with dishes everywhere. It’s just a part of my makeup – or is it. I think if I am really honest rules, systems, and order are really about my ability to manage and control a situation. The rules don’t have to be made by me, and I don’t even have to like the system or get anything out of it. Rules, systems, and order simply make it easier to get from one place to another along a measurable line, and it helps me know how to get there. Don’t get me wrong, that can be a very positive thing. Where we don’t have these in place chaos and lack of direction can reign, and to reach a goal some of these must be in place. So how does this affect my spiritual life?
This fall we will be diving into the book of Galatians where Paul reminds the church in Galatia about the difference between Legalism (Law) and Freedom in Christ, helps them better understand how to walk by the Spirit, and teaches them math.

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel Gal 1:6 NIV

Yes I did say that he teaches them math. Jesus plus rules, order, systems (LAW) = nothing, but Jesus plus nothing = everything. Confused? I used to be to. Do we still need the Old Testament, the Ten Commandments, the law of Moses (rules, order, system)? What is the difference between trusting in my ability to follow my beliefs in a system (religion) and what Jesus has done for me? What does being free in Christ really mean?
If you require for anyone (yourself or anyone else) come under the Jewish system, or a more modern form of Christian “religion” you have missed the point and have indeed turned to a “different gospel.”
Join us regularly during Sunday morning service at Country Hills Church as we learn the most crucial math lesson you will ever learn… it will affect your understanding of the good news of Jesus, and will absolutely impact your everyday experience of full life in Christ.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 ESV